Glensheen Diving Bell 3D Interactive Model – Year 2019

Click left mouse on the model to tumble or rotate. right mouse to drag, thumb-wheel to zoom. 

Glensheen Diving Bell Database Information

Basic Information

Name(s)  Glensheen Diving Bell
Registry  N/A
Official Number N/A
Vessel Type N/A
Builder N/A
Place Built Duluth, MN
Date Built 1
Hull Material Steel


Length   ft
Width  ft
Depth   ft

Vessel History

Complete Historic Information Link 

 Site Information

Lake Shore of Superior
State or Province Minnesota
GPS Coordinates N/A
Site Description: The bell currently sits behind Glensheen Mansion

Model Information


Photographer Tim Pranke
Date Completed  2019
Time it took to capture  30 min

Modeler Information

Modeler Tim Pranke
Contact Information
Date Completed March 2020
Hours of input to complete ? hrs

Technical Information


Camera Used  Two GoPro4
Sensor Size
Multi-Camera Rig – Yes
Camera Propulsion
Video or Stills – Video
Number of images Submitted – ?
Image resolution (pixels) ?
Lighting – Artificial
Number of lights – 2
If known Kelvin Temperature ?
Light Output Lumens ?

Model Information

Software Used – 
Data Format – .jpg
Number of Source Images used ???
Are these images original or adjusted; ?
Portion of the site covered: Entire outside

Publishing Restrictions

 Ownership/Payment Restrictions  None
Usage Restrictions None

Resource Data in Database

Model  No
Source Images  No
Still Images No
Video Clip No