Our Contributors
Jeremy Bannister and Pennsylvania Archaeological Shipwreck Survey Team (PASST) – Photography of Indiana and Albion
Brian Bosveld – Photography and Modeling of Annabell Wilson, Albany, Arctic (Propeller), Grace Williams; Milwaukee, Photography of North Star, Westmoreland, Cayuga, Glenorchy, Waverly, Kiowa
Matt Charlesworth – Photography Princess Charlotte, Highlander, Comet, Hercules, Cornwall, Modeling George Marsh, City of Sheboygan Photography & Modeling of Cora W. Post
Jim Christianson – Photography of Hesper
Jon Connolly – Photography of Clifton, Nelson, Albany, Glenorchy, New York
Jerry Eliason – Modeling of Russia, Hesper and Manasoo
Tori Galloway and WHS – Photography & Modeling of Dan Hayes, Ocean Wave, I. A, Johnson, Success and Barge Transfer
Dan Gildea of Shotline Divers Photography & Modeling of Northern Light, Sloop Rover, Dauntless
GLSPS Dive Team – Photography of Hesper
Andrew Goodman – Photography on Selah Chamberlain, William H. Barnum, Malabar, Sagamore, Indiana, Perserverance, Keuka, Harltiner Barge, Wm Rend, Challenge, Dolphin, Samuel Mather, Newell Eddy, Como, Manasoo, Metropole, James King, Wetmore, Alice G, Sweepstakes, J.H. Jones, Clifton, Madeira, Eureka, Philadelphia, John Osborn, Tug Niagara, Arabia, Drake, Jane Miller, Dunderberg, Nelson, Forest City, Bob Foote, Robert K., John & Alex, Philo Scoville, Unidentified Thumb Wreck, City of Grand Rapids, Niagara-Schooner Barge, Panther, Comet, Dean Richmond. Arctic, City of Detroit, Checotah, Troy, Manhattan, North Star, Westmoreland, Cambridge, Superior, Albany, D. Leuty, Arctic (Sidewheeler), Iron Chief, Southwest, Alta, Cayuga, Wasaga, Glenorchy, George Nester, New York, Trade Wind, Storm Spirit, Ottawa, Herman Hettler, Mesquite, Charles Kershaw, Waverly, Langham, Fedora, Crystal Wreck, Noque Bay, Smith Moore, Langham, Sevona , Big Bay Sloop, Vienna, Syracuse, Nightingale, Henry J. Johnson, Joseph Fay, Persian, Northwestern, Eber Ward, Henry Clay, Kiowa, James Bentley, Walter Frost, Elva, Howard Gerkin, F. T. Barney
Mike Hughes – Iroquoise
Benjamin Ioset – Photography & Modeling of Hinckley, Ariadne
John Janzen – Photography of Russia, Samuel Mather, Vienna
Dusty Klifman – Photography of Panther, Comet
Roger Lacasse – Photography and Modeling of Eureka and Rothesay
Durrell Martin – Support Annie Falconer, Katie Eccles, Fabiola, Photography City of Sheboygan, Comet, Marsh, Cornwall, Oliver Mowat
Kayla Martin – Photography Annie Falconer, Katie Eccles, Fabiola, City of Sheboygan, Comet, Marsh, Cornwall, W.E. Gladstone, Cyrenian, Processing Charles Kershaw and Old Concord; Photography and Processing Oliver Mowat.
Dennis and Kathi McCarthy and St Lawrence River Historical Foundation Inc. – Photography and Modeling of Islander, Maggie L, Box Stove Wreck,
Dauntless, False Squaw, Skiff, Life Boat, North Colborne Is Barge, Grand View, Iroquoise
Andrew Merryman – Photography of Typo, Kyle Spangler, Goliath, Nelson, Eber Ward
Ken Merryman – Modeling and photography of various models
Keith Meverden (WHS) – Photography on Hetty Taylor
Kent Myhrman – Photography on Col. Ellsworth, Northwest, Fred McBrier, False St. Andrew, D.M. Wilson, William Rend, Van Valkenburg, Montana, Support Aloha, Cornwall, Comet
Corey Philips of Shotline Divers – Photography & Modeling of Olive Branch
Tamara Thomsen – Photography of Trade Wind, Sevona, Pretoria
Tim Pranke – Modeling and photography of Madeira, Pretoria, Hesper, & Glensheen Diving Bell
John Scoles – Photography of Russia, Samuel Mather, Vienna
WHS/WHOI Evan Kovac – Photography St Albans, Vernon
WHS/WHOI Keith Meverden – Photography Hetty Taylor, Vernon
Zach Whitrock – Photography of C.B. Benson, Tiller Wreck, Photography and Modeling Walter B. Allen, Rouse Simmons, Peter W, Pride, Satisfaction
Ray Wilson – Photography of Panther, Comet
Corporate, Business, Organization and Individual Supporters
Brian Bosveld
Dive Xtras, Inc
Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago
Our Partners
We are looking for organizations or businesses who believe in the value of this project to partner with us to photograph shipwrecks so the imagery can be used to create photogrammetry models to build the database. In some cases we can also convert photomosaic imagery previously taken into a 3D model especially if it is video or stills with a large overlap between images. If your organization enjoys documenting these sites and would be willing to share the data with us for publication on the site and archiving in the database we would welcome your participation and listing in our partners page.
We could also use help in processing the images into models, and creating and securing the database so if you have experience in using the software (We use Agisoft and 3D Zephyr) or designing a similar database and would like to contribute some time helping us we would welcome a partnership and listing in our partners page.
Please address any communication to info@glsps.org
Thanks for considering support of this effort.