3D Interactive Model
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Database Information Shipwreck Lucerne
Basic Information
Name(s) Lucerne
Registry US
Official Number 15914
Vessel Type Schooner
Year Built 1873
Year Sank 1886
Hull Material Wood
Engines None
Length 194.9 ft
Width 33.4 ft
Depth 13.8 ft
Vessel History
Complete Historic Information Link – https://greatlakeships.org/2907199/data ; https://wisconsinshipwrecks.org/Vessel/Details/386?region=Index
Wreck Site Information
Lake Superior
State or Province Wisconsin
Depth 20 ft
GPS Coordinates 46° 43.377′ N 090° 46.021′ W
Site Description The bow, stern, and the forward section of the starboard side are intact although mostly buried in sand. The forecastle deck which used to be intact into the 1990’s is now mostly gone except for the deck beams. The anchor windlass and capstan are intact on the forecastle deck along with the starboard chain stop which was returned to the site on a GLSPS/WHS Put-It-Back project. The port chain stop used to be on deck but is no longer visible and probably buried in sand. The centerboard trunk was also intact except for the top well into the 2000’s but now the upper sides of the trunk are missing exposing the centerboard. The port side of the hull is broken and mostly buried but how much is exposed varies with the shifting sand year to year. There is a row of deck knees on the forward starboard side and the hawse pipes are also extant on site. The remains of the row of deck stanchions attached to the keelson are also visible on site. The transom is visible but only roughly four feet of the stern sticks out of the sand. In the early 1970’s there was also a deck capstan on site, but the author witnessed its removal in the late 1970’s. Many of the small artifacts were excavated and removed by amateur archaeologist Monte Florenze and later displayed at the Duluth Visitor Center. Site features include windlass and capstan, centerboard and trunk, hawsepipes, deck knees, Samson post, chain stops, and the iron ore cargo.
Model Information
Photographer(s) Ken Merryman
Year Captured May 2024
Time it took to capture 40 min
Modeler Information
Modeler Ken Merryman
Date Completed 2-2025
Hours of input to complete 12 hrs
Technical Information
Camera – Canon 5d Mark IV in a Nauticam Housing with an 8” Dome Port
Lens – Canon EF Zoom 8-15mm set at 15 mm
Multi-Camera Rig – No
Camera Propulsion – DPV
Video or Stills – Stills
Number of images Submitted – 2,409
Image resolution (pixels) 6720 x4480
Lighting – Artificial & Natural
Number of lights – 4
Light Output Lumens 4×10,000
Model Information
Software Used Agisoft Metashape Professional Version 1.8.0 Build 13794
Data Format .jpg converted from RAW
Number of Source Images used – 2,400
Are these images original or adjusted; Adjusted
If Scale Bars, calibration length – 3.0 ft
Portion of the site covered: Complete
Publishing Restrictions
Licensing Usage Restrictions CC BY-ND
Attributed to: 3DShipwrecks.org
Resource Data in Database
Model Yes
Source Images Yes
Source CC .jpg
Number of Still Images 2,409
Video Clip None
Processing Report Yes
Camera Calibration .xml Yes