Niagara Side-wheel Steamer 3D Interactive Model – Year 2013

Niagara Side-wheel Steamer Database Information

Basic Information

Name(s)  Niagara (Side-wheel Steamer)
Registry  U.S.
Official Number 
Vessel Type Side-wheel Steamer
Year Built 1845
Year Sank 1856
Hull Material Wood
Masts 0
Engine(s) None


Length 225 ft
Width  34 ft
Depth  14 ft

Vessel History

Rebuilds/Renames  None
History The Niagara was built in 1845 for New York & Erie Railway Co, Erie PA. Collingwood Line. On September 22, 1856 it departed Collingwood with 300 passengers. Two days later it caught on fire and sank off Belgium, WI. killing 60 passengers and crew.
Disposition Burned and sank off Belguim,WI. in Lake Michigan killing 60 passengers and crew.
Complete Historic Information Link –

Wreck Site Information

Depth 55’
GPS Coordinates 43° 29.310′ N 087° 46.490′ W
Site Description: The mangled engine and parts of the sidewheels lie in 55′ of water near Port Washington, WI.  A portion of the bottom and sides of the ship are also on site. The walking beam and engine cylinders can be identified on the site.  The boilers are not in the model and are located a distance north of the wreck.

Model Information


Photographer Kenneth Merryman
Year Completed 9/2013
Time it took to capture 30 min

Modeler Information

Modeler Ken Merryman
Date Completed April 2020
Hours of input to complete 8 hrs

Technical Information


Camera – Sony HVR-Z1U in Amphibico Housing with .5 diopter dome port
Lens – Zoom 4.5-54 mm set at 4.5 mm; 35 mm equivalent to 32.5 – 390 mm at 32.5 mm
                              with dome port equivalent 28mm
Sensor – 6mm 1/3 type 3 CCD
Multi-Camera Rig – No
Camera Propulsion – Diver,
 Video or Stills – Video
Number of images Submitted – 2896
Image resolution (pixels) 1080 x 1440 with 1.3333 pixel aspect ratio
Lighting – Natural & Artificial
Number of lights – 2
If known Kelvin Temperature N/A
Light Output Lumens 2000

Model Information

Software Used – Agisoft Standard Edition Version 1.6.2 Build 10247
Data Format – .jpg
Number of Source Images used – 2801
Are these images original or adjusted; Converted to 1080 x 1920
Portion of the site covered: The model HD video shot in 2010 covers most of the site.  It was not shot with the intention of doing a 3D model or photomosaic but was shot to document the wreck site.  There are obvious gaps in the coverage but will suffice for back-filling historic image data for the database.

Publishing Restrictions

Licensing Usage Restrictions CC BY-ND
Attributed to:

Resource Data in Database

Model  Yes
Source Images  Video
Still Images 2895
Video Clip No