3D Interactive Model

Click left mouse on the model to tumble or rotate, right mouse to drag, thumb-wheel to zoom, double click to re-center.


Database Information Shipwreck Unknown aka Old Concord

Basic Information

Name(s)  Unknown aka Old Concord
Registry  US
Official Number 18923
Vessel Type Propeller converted to Schooner Barge
Year Built 1855
Year Sank
Hull Material Wood
Engines None


Length  166 ft
Width  28 ft
Depth  11 ft

Vessel History

Complete Historic Information Linkhttps://greatlakeships.org/2897629/data ;

Wreck Site Information

Lake Huron
State or Province Ontario
70 ft
GPS Coordinates 45° 00.704′  N 081° 13.272′ W
Site Description The site is comprised of the side of a ship with single row of knees.

Model Information


Photographer(s) Andrew Merryman
Year Captured July 2022
Time it took to capture 20 min

Modeler Information

Modeler Kayla Martin
Date Completed 4-2024
Hours of input to complete 6 hrs

Technical Information


Camera – SONY Alpha a6500  in a Nauticam Housing with an Dome Port
Lens – Canon EF Zoom 16-35 mm set at 16 mm
Multi-Camera Rig – No
Camera Propulsion – Swimming
Video or Stills – Stills
Number of images Submitted – 885
Image resolution (pixels) 6000 x4000
Lighting – Artificial & Natural
Number of lights – 
Light Output Lumens 

Model Information

Software Used Agisoft Metashape Professional Version 2.1.1 build 17821
Data Format .jpg converted from RAW
Number of Source Images used – 867
Are these images original or adjusted; Adjusted
If Scale Bars, calibration length – 
Portion of the site covered: Complete

Publishing Restrictions

Licensing Usage Restrictions CC BY-ND
Attributed to: Andrew Merryman and Kayla Martin of 3DShipwrecks.org

Resource Data in Database

Model  Yes
Source Images  Yes
Source CC .jpg
Number of Still Images 936
Video Clip 
Processing Report Yes
Camera Calibration .xml Yes